terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2007

Sonhar acordado!

Can we achieve our dreams? That is the question with the most wanted answer. The thing is, Is it worth dreaming? If somehow our dreams just seems that are running away and hidding from us.

I know, that this is one of those answers that doesn't have a correct answer, somehow our dreams are only achieved if we just try enough to conquer them. But for howlong wehave to fight, to try, to run after our wishes....

I don't like to be given things without deserving them, i just love a chalange and conquering whatever i want, but sometimes, there isn't any optimism that can survive to some obstacles...

Today I'll keep this text a bit short, mainly because I'm quite sleepy indeed and somehow the words won't come out as fluently as other days, actually I don't know why, maybe I just have too much stuff in my head, Well whatever Let us just hope that everything goes like i want them to go.

1 comentário:

Jeust disse...

Racionalmente , segundo um gaijo enterrado á uma data de tempo em parte incerta, Decartes, é possível atingir todos os nossos sonhos...

Mas realmente há sonhos que se escapam para lá do horizonte...

Então tens de ver o que queres atingir e ver o quanto estśa disposto a lutar por eles. :P E fazeres a tua forcinha...

e boa sorte. :)

Se não atingires... tenta outra coisa...

Esta vida é assim...

Abraços maluco