Well, for the first time I won't write in portuguese, let's consider this post a tryout.
You know, I have a very good friend, such a a good friend, that Ijust call her sister, because for me she will be my oldest sister and i'll love her like i love my blood related sister for the rest of my life, but my feelings for her at this point aren't important.
My intention with this post is that it can be used as an example, so that you, my sister, can learn with it and build a little bit of self-estime...
I could actually say that you are an angel from above, but it is quite a lame expression so I'll try something different and descrive some moments that i will never forget...
I remember once, maybe the first time Ihad a real conversation with you, we were both children, i and I walked you home after our english class. and we sat in the sidewalk for about 15 minutes in front of your college at the time, I'm not sure, but I think that we were both 13 or 14, and at that time I knew that you're special, destined for great things and I sthil have the same opinion.
I also remeber, that after that day we start to exchange text messages, and i remenber one, it was in july, I already knew that we're both attending that same school, but i didn't predict the new that you're going to give me, i was laying in my bed, and my phone rang, it was a message from you, saying that we're attending that same class, I'm not quite sure and if i'm wrong please correct me, but i think, i actually trhilled with excitement i did make you call so that i could ear the thruth.
Actually, although i was attending that school for 2 years, it was a new class, I knew very few people, and the few i knew, at that time weren't actually the best of friends, so i started to be with you, and our friendship was groing to the friendship we know.
For those 2 or 3 years, we share everything, we knew everything of both of our lifes, love stories, problems at home , at school, you're always there for me no matter how little was my problem you knew that you could cont on me, and I knew that I could count on you.
As you know, I like to have photographs of all my friends in my desk, but the amazing is that yours was the only picture that has never left my desk.
I spend the best moments of my life with you, and I'm sure that I'm not the only one that thinks in this way, so just do me a favor, and just think about those who wants the best for you, and just assemble, that God is fair and if you have such good friends is because you simply deserve this gifts, Luv u Sister
P.S Espero que me tenha saido melhor em ingles que em portugues, ao menos nao me esqueço dos acentos :p lol, e ah desejo te a ti e a miguel as melhores felicidades lol ;) obvio :p
You know, I have a very good friend, such a a good friend, that Ijust call her sister, because for me she will be my oldest sister and i'll love her like i love my blood related sister for the rest of my life, but my feelings for her at this point aren't important.
My intention with this post is that it can be used as an example, so that you, my sister, can learn with it and build a little bit of self-estime...
I could actually say that you are an angel from above, but it is quite a lame expression so I'll try something different and descrive some moments that i will never forget...
I remember once, maybe the first time Ihad a real conversation with you, we were both children, i and I walked you home after our english class. and we sat in the sidewalk for about 15 minutes in front of your college at the time, I'm not sure, but I think that we were both 13 or 14, and at that time I knew that you're special, destined for great things and I sthil have the same opinion.
I also remeber, that after that day we start to exchange text messages, and i remenber one, it was in july, I already knew that we're both attending that same school, but i didn't predict the new that you're going to give me, i was laying in my bed, and my phone rang, it was a message from you, saying that we're attending that same class, I'm not quite sure and if i'm wrong please correct me, but i think, i actually trhilled with excitement i did make you call so that i could ear the thruth.
Actually, although i was attending that school for 2 years, it was a new class, I knew very few people, and the few i knew, at that time weren't actually the best of friends, so i started to be with you, and our friendship was groing to the friendship we know.
For those 2 or 3 years, we share everything, we knew everything of both of our lifes, love stories, problems at home , at school, you're always there for me no matter how little was my problem you knew that you could cont on me, and I knew that I could count on you.
As you know, I like to have photographs of all my friends in my desk, but the amazing is that yours was the only picture that has never left my desk.
I spend the best moments of my life with you, and I'm sure that I'm not the only one that thinks in this way, so just do me a favor, and just think about those who wants the best for you, and just assemble, that God is fair and if you have such good friends is because you simply deserve this gifts, Luv u Sister
P.S Espero que me tenha saido melhor em ingles que em portugues, ao menos nao me esqueço dos acentos :p lol, e ah desejo te a ti e a miguel as melhores felicidades lol ;) obvio :p
9 comentários:
É a primeira vez que aqui venho e vim pelo comentário que deixaste no canto da Frankie.
Sem dúvida que tens razão. Apesar de a conhecer há pouco tempo e por certo não a conhecer tão bem como tu, já deu para ver que ela é uma pessoa 5 estrelas... Ela por vezes é que parece não acreditar no valor que tem, mas enquanto aqui estivermos para lhe "puxarmos as orelhas" não a deixaremos pensar que os amigos que tem são por acaso...
O teu texto é um grande testemunho de amizade que ela merece!
Um abraço
Ai, mano...
Eu queria fazer um comentário bonito, como tu mereces mas, não consigo...
Puseste-me a chorar baba e ranho...
Sim sim, estou aqui quase a inundar o IGM
Oh meu lindo... Lembro-me de tudo tão bem... Tão bem...
Beijinho imenso, imenso, enromeeee...
Luv u bro*
PS: Prometo que depois volto para comentar direitinho, como deve ser, ok?!
Tal como o lux e ricky disseram tu és uma pessoa fantástica...
Claro que tens as tuas imperfeições. Todos nós temos... Ainda está para nascer a perfeição feita homem... ou mulher. :P
Mas és uma pessoa rara e muito preciosa. Uma grande mulher e amiga... e mais do que isso. :p
Apenas não te podes deixar abater pelas tua escuridão, pelas tuas fragilidades ou defeitos.
Brilha para aléḿ de tudo isso... porque tu és capaz. E se o fizeres vais-nos maravilhar a todos... com a alma bela que tens...
Beijinho meu amor...
E ricardo, isso é k é falar... em inglês.
Falas muito bem e todo o significado que procuraste para os tens sentimentos está lá reforçado pelas tuas palavras.
E mais que isso esse sentimento é prova viva do grande carinho e afecto que tens no teu coração pela tua "irmã".
Há ligações mais fortes que o sangue...
Abraços maluco
Ai ai...
"Vocêzes..." querem mesmo deixar-me encabulada, não é meninos?!
Beijinho grande*
Adoro-vos (cada um à sua maneira :P)
Tal como o Lux também é a primeira vez que aqui venho...segui a pista:)
Belo post, Ricky, belo hino à amizade. A Frankie é uma felizarda por ter amigos como vocês. Mas se os tem é porque os merece pela pessoa linda que é.
Só ela é que não se convence disso, mas cá estaremos para lhe continuar a "puxar as orelhas" sempre que for caso disso.
Ela não há-de ser mais casmurra do que nós:)
Concordo com o jeust, "Há ligações mais fortes que o sangue."
Há e perduram toda uma vida.
Um beijo
Vou começar com os estreantes, desde já muito obrigado por terem ca vindo espero que sinceramente tenham gostado, e acima de tudo obrigado pelo apreço ke mostram pela frankie...
Frankie tu nao precisas de comentario bonito para saber o qt gostaste disto, sinceramente nca pensei que te lembrasses de alguns destes momentos, pensei ke fossem dakeles momentos que por acaso colaram na minha memoria apesar de por exemplo o da mensagem ser um bocado digamos que rotineiro...
Fico contente por te lembrares... e dd ja obg por tudo...
Jeust, quanto a ti.. pah ja sabes ke tb es um grande amigo meu.. e sei que tratas bem dela e que a achas especial...
Obg pelos comentarios
abraços para eles **** para elas
Olá pessoal.
Também já li o texto e fiquei mas é com ciúmes.
Para já, o Ricardo safa-se muito bem em inglês e depois, a Xica tem um amigo 5 estrelas! ;)
Portanto, os meus parabéns a um e ao outro, gostei muito do que li.
Beijos para eles, apertos de mão para elas. ;p
Muito obrigado pelos elogios ;)
Mas não faço nada de mais, so faço mesmo aquilo que qualquer amigo faria...
Bjs pra elas abraços para eles
O post esta lindissimo, especialmente para kem é. Ela merece tudo de bom e todos os momentos lindos k passaram, passam e passarao por ela. Num mudes nunca se sempre tu propria. Pois é assim k te adoro. ;)
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