Robbie Williams-A Man for all Seasons
One eye on the shadows, protecting his fellows,
From sun up till the moon on his back.
Send the villains to Hades, a hit with the ladies,
a stallion, in the sack.
You can't get your life back, when right follows left Jack,
The more you see, the less you know.
When others would leak it, his service is secret.
Plays God when it's your time to go.
Queen and country safe and sound, with villains six feet under ground.
And no one knows cause no ones found any trace of a man for all seasons.
Loves 'em and leaves 'em alone
And you and I wouldn't have a clue, whose doing what, why, when and who, up the creek with no canoe,
watch out for the man for all seasons, loves 'em and leaves 'em
alone but safe at home
From the House of Lords saving Norfolk broads,
Commoners and landed gentry.
His word is Bond with a brunette or blonde, baby its so elementry
For the man never ends, stop your life with one stare,
See the film, you'll know how it goes
but this aint no fiction, just check the diction, Qquid pro quo, a pro's pro.
Hey fellas, don't be jealous, when the made him they broke the mold.
So charismatic, with an automatic,
Never prematurely shooting his load, Pow!
Queen and country safe and sound, with villains six feet under ground.
And no one knows cause no ones found any trace of a man for all seasons.
Loves 'em and leaves 'em alone
And you and I wouldn't have a clue whose doing what, why when and who, up the creek with no canoe,
watch out for the man for all seasons, loves 'em and leaves 'em
alone (but safe at home)
But safe at home [X6]
Queen and country safe and sound, with villains six feet under ground.
And no one knows cause no ones found any trace of a man for all seasons.
Loves 'em and leaves 'em alone
And you and I wouldn't have a clue whose doing what, why when and who, up the creek with no canoe,
watch out for the man for all seasons, loves 'em and leaves 'em
alone (but safe at home)
[Repeat to fade]
ADORO ESTA MUSICA reparem na letra lol
quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2007
sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007
O dia em que o mundo caiu!!
É Verdade, O mundo caiu ontem, e este continua estatelado no chão, a noite outrora negra e brilhante ficou baça, o dia cinzento como as cinzas de uma floresta queimada, o ceu da cor do fogo, as luzes natalicias perderam o brilho, e eu simplesmente perdi o meu sorriso.
Atè o arco iris perdeu a cor, a relva ficou amarelada, Os risos infantis desapareceram e a alegria juvenil simplesmente se evaporou, os passaros calaram-se, as folhas cairam, as flores desapareceram, e o meu sorriso semplesmente fugiu.
Nada me alegra, o conversar com uma rapariga interessante, o ir ver a minha banda favorita, sentir uma correpondencia num amor platonico, ver uma comédia, ler um livro, nem jogar computador, nada....
Faz recuperar o meu sorriso.
E as tardes de borga, e de estupidez com os amigos, os insultos amigaveis, os almoços em grupo, nada me faz sentir feliz.
O mundo está a preto e branco. Mas também não quero receber a cor, quero ficar no meu canto no meu mundo a preto e branco e esperar que as lágrimas voltem a escorrer para ver se tiro a tristeza dentro de mim...
Detesto ser forte, detesto aparentar força, detesto pura e simplesmente o factor de não conseguir ser eu a fraquejar ,detesto não saber o QUE FAZER.
Peço desculpa aos meus amigos, por não ser tão conciso e racional como normalmente sou, não conseguirei ajudar da mesma forma, simplesmente não sei o que fazer...
Atè o arco iris perdeu a cor, a relva ficou amarelada, Os risos infantis desapareceram e a alegria juvenil simplesmente se evaporou, os passaros calaram-se, as folhas cairam, as flores desapareceram, e o meu sorriso semplesmente fugiu.
Nada me alegra, o conversar com uma rapariga interessante, o ir ver a minha banda favorita, sentir uma correpondencia num amor platonico, ver uma comédia, ler um livro, nem jogar computador, nada....
Faz recuperar o meu sorriso.
E as tardes de borga, e de estupidez com os amigos, os insultos amigaveis, os almoços em grupo, nada me faz sentir feliz.
O mundo está a preto e branco. Mas também não quero receber a cor, quero ficar no meu canto no meu mundo a preto e branco e esperar que as lágrimas voltem a escorrer para ver se tiro a tristeza dentro de mim...
Detesto ser forte, detesto aparentar força, detesto pura e simplesmente o factor de não conseguir ser eu a fraquejar ,detesto não saber o QUE FAZER.
Peço desculpa aos meus amigos, por não ser tão conciso e racional como normalmente sou, não conseguirei ajudar da mesma forma, simplesmente não sei o que fazer...
sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2007
Uns meros olhos Castanhos!

Há quem diga que o nosso olhar revela o nosso espirito, ou a nossa alma. Há quem diga que o olhar não mente e que os nossos sentimentos reflectem-se assim no olhar! Será verdade? Eu gosto de acreditar que sim. Afinal alguma magia no mundo real é bastante saudável.
O olhar sempre foi personagem principal de lendas, mitos, e histórias de encantar.Nunca ouviste falar da beleza dos olhos Azuis? Ou do selvagem olhar verde? Ou mesmo do calculista olhar cinzento? Até mesmo do secretismo do Olhar negro. É verdade , todos eles ja foram referidos, mas existe uma cor, uma simples cor tão especial como as outras, por vezes de uma beleza de gosto mais elaborado, pois é falo dos "vulgares olhos castanhos"!
Ora experimenta isto, Fita um par de olhos castanhos e verás o quão convidativos estes são, Sentirás uma sensação de segurança, uma força imensa, e uma ternura inagualavel. Já para não falar do seu brilho escuro, fantastico mesmo.
Pois mas sabes? Se calhar é impossivel reparares nisso, visto neste momento estar a ver os teus olhos castanhos e a ver as caracteristicas dos olhos castanhos que estão no teu rosto, se calhar estou iludido com o teu olhar... Sabes só queria ser ladrão! para poder roubar o brilho do teu olhar e oferecer-to, assim conseguia oferecer-te algo tão especial como tu...
O olhar sempre foi personagem principal de lendas, mitos, e histórias de encantar.Nunca ouviste falar da beleza dos olhos Azuis? Ou do selvagem olhar verde? Ou mesmo do calculista olhar cinzento? Até mesmo do secretismo do Olhar negro. É verdade , todos eles ja foram referidos, mas existe uma cor, uma simples cor tão especial como as outras, por vezes de uma beleza de gosto mais elaborado, pois é falo dos "vulgares olhos castanhos"!
Ora experimenta isto, Fita um par de olhos castanhos e verás o quão convidativos estes são, Sentirás uma sensação de segurança, uma força imensa, e uma ternura inagualavel. Já para não falar do seu brilho escuro, fantastico mesmo.
Pois mas sabes? Se calhar é impossivel reparares nisso, visto neste momento estar a ver os teus olhos castanhos e a ver as caracteristicas dos olhos castanhos que estão no teu rosto, se calhar estou iludido com o teu olhar... Sabes só queria ser ladrão! para poder roubar o brilho do teu olhar e oferecer-to, assim conseguia oferecer-te algo tão especial como tu...
quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2007
Sou livre, é verdade, Sou livre para viver a minha vida, Sou livre para atingir os meus objectivos, e para conseguir o que quero, Sou livre para amar quem quero amar, e para odiar quem me chateia, Sou livre para sentir a raiva que navega dentro de mim, ou para sentir a calma do mar na palma das minhas mãos.
Sou livre para fazer feliz quem quero, sou livre de tomar as minhas opçoes, sou livre para traçar o meu caminho, sou livre de tomar atalhos, sou livre de parar ou de continuar.
Sou livre de escrever, com erros, sem erros, correcta ou incorrectamente, sou livre de pensar, e de sentir, enfim sou LIVRE...
Sou Feliz :), vivo um dia de cada vez, e olho para a lua e imagino-me la sentado, é lá o meu lugar, e hei-de lá chegar
Sou livre para fazer feliz quem quero, sou livre de tomar as minhas opçoes, sou livre para traçar o meu caminho, sou livre de tomar atalhos, sou livre de parar ou de continuar.
Sou livre de escrever, com erros, sem erros, correcta ou incorrectamente, sou livre de pensar, e de sentir, enfim sou LIVRE...
Sou Feliz :), vivo um dia de cada vez, e olho para a lua e imagino-me la sentado, é lá o meu lugar, e hei-de lá chegar
quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2007
No Words, No Pain!!
Sudently I came with a Rush of posts in my blog, That's because my feelings as I said before are like a Sinusoide, so they are full of ups and downs.
As you must have notice, by the melancholy of these recent posts, I haven't been the happiest person in this world, but it is nothing that can't be Handle with some easeness.
Sometimes I just feel ashamed, because many times i just know that I just don't have enough reasons to feel down, but I still do feel like I'm at the bottom of the pit.
There are things that I like, and there other things that I hate, and one of those is to be alone, I hate that, I forgot how to be alone, i just wish that someone could teach me how to be alone, how to think for not feeling alone, I just don't feel anything but saddness and can't find the reason of my sadness. Isn't this stupid?? being sad for no reason??
I miss the times that I was emotional indistructable, but now i just ain't, I'm not a cold heart guy like I've been once, I just let myself get to much emotional.
But there's no need to worries, I feel better now, happy, animated, Sometimes It's just a friendly chat that can put us out of the pit... well I'm out but i just don't know for how long!!!
My Friends
Silence 4
Composição: Indisponível
I was so lost in my pain, fear was melting my brain,
I was counting the days to insanity, I was afraid to move myself
Afraid to hurt myself, more than I had until that day
Everything I believed in, everything I fought for
Was now underneath my feet and my heart beat
Was so gone, couldn't be felt by anyone
So alone it gave me the creeps
My drugs got me in bed went up to my head And I really don't wanna depend
So I'll stick to
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my cards and my car and my friends
Martini until the end
Play pool again
Never thought woyuld be like this
No one told me it would be like this
I'm amazed I'm amazed with myself
And my brain and my pain
And my pain and my veins
Are delivering it to my health
My self-confidence was broken while my trust was taken
And it left me with an empty life and this knife
Rests on the middle of me bed, I think in all the things shesaid
Close my eyes and sleep
All these drugs in my head, it seems I'm already dead
And I really don't want to depend
So I'll stick to ...
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my cards and my car and my friends
Martini until the end
Play pool again
(i can't wait to see you crowl)
Can't smoke anymore can't drink anynmore, still I do it, I do it again
Lost everything I had, Far from mom, far from dad
I thank God for my good, good friends
But where's this God that I mention? Where is He right now?
As I die as slowly as I can? All my plans, went down the hole
My life has no goal, and I wonder if this is worth it
But my friends took my hand
Helped me to lift myself again
And that's why I really love
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my cards and my car and my friends
Martini until the end
Play pool again
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my car and my cards and my friends
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my car and my cards and my friends
As you must have notice, by the melancholy of these recent posts, I haven't been the happiest person in this world, but it is nothing that can't be Handle with some easeness.
Sometimes I just feel ashamed, because many times i just know that I just don't have enough reasons to feel down, but I still do feel like I'm at the bottom of the pit.
There are things that I like, and there other things that I hate, and one of those is to be alone, I hate that, I forgot how to be alone, i just wish that someone could teach me how to be alone, how to think for not feeling alone, I just don't feel anything but saddness and can't find the reason of my sadness. Isn't this stupid?? being sad for no reason??
I miss the times that I was emotional indistructable, but now i just ain't, I'm not a cold heart guy like I've been once, I just let myself get to much emotional.
But there's no need to worries, I feel better now, happy, animated, Sometimes It's just a friendly chat that can put us out of the pit... well I'm out but i just don't know for how long!!!
My Friends
Silence 4
Composição: Indisponível
I was so lost in my pain, fear was melting my brain,
I was counting the days to insanity, I was afraid to move myself
Afraid to hurt myself, more than I had until that day
Everything I believed in, everything I fought for
Was now underneath my feet and my heart beat
Was so gone, couldn't be felt by anyone
So alone it gave me the creeps
My drugs got me in bed went up to my head And I really don't wanna depend
So I'll stick to
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my cards and my car and my friends
Martini until the end
Play pool again
Never thought woyuld be like this
No one told me it would be like this
I'm amazed I'm amazed with myself
And my brain and my pain
And my pain and my veins
Are delivering it to my health
My self-confidence was broken while my trust was taken
And it left me with an empty life and this knife
Rests on the middle of me bed, I think in all the things shesaid
Close my eyes and sleep
All these drugs in my head, it seems I'm already dead
And I really don't want to depend
So I'll stick to ...
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my cards and my car and my friends
Martini until the end
Play pool again
(i can't wait to see you crowl)
Can't smoke anymore can't drink anynmore, still I do it, I do it again
Lost everything I had, Far from mom, far from dad
I thank God for my good, good friends
But where's this God that I mention? Where is He right now?
As I die as slowly as I can? All my plans, went down the hole
My life has no goal, and I wonder if this is worth it
But my friends took my hand
Helped me to lift myself again
And that's why I really love
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my cards and my car and my friends
Martini until the end
Play pool again
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my car and my cards and my friends
My friends and my friends and my car and my friends
My friends and my car and my cards and my friends
terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2007
Já alguma vez se sentiram perdidos?? Tipo não tristes, não deprimidos, simplesmente como se não controlassemos nada, como se tudo fosse contra o que nós queremos?
Por vezes a vida não é o que a gente espera, e quando nós pensamos que tudo vai no rumo certo, de repente, sem nenhum motivo o pessimismo ocupa-nos, a mascara de forte começa a ceder e a ficar transparente, o colarinho aperta e os nervos sobem pelo corpo acima, as duvidas permanecem na cabeça, e pura e simplesmente nada faz sentido.
Não sinto a falta de nada nem ninguem, tenho tudo o que quero, mas está tudo monotono e parado.
Apesar de mudanças para melhor da minha vida... de ter conhecido Pessoas FANTASTICAS mesmo, tipo o mundo esta diferente, mais cinzento, não tão colorido, Será que algume me ajuda a repintar o mundo?? Enfim mais uma das minhas loucuras, sem sentido, e sem um minimo de importancia!
Por vezes a vida não é o que a gente espera, e quando nós pensamos que tudo vai no rumo certo, de repente, sem nenhum motivo o pessimismo ocupa-nos, a mascara de forte começa a ceder e a ficar transparente, o colarinho aperta e os nervos sobem pelo corpo acima, as duvidas permanecem na cabeça, e pura e simplesmente nada faz sentido.
Não sinto a falta de nada nem ninguem, tenho tudo o que quero, mas está tudo monotono e parado.
Apesar de mudanças para melhor da minha vida... de ter conhecido Pessoas FANTASTICAS mesmo, tipo o mundo esta diferente, mais cinzento, não tão colorido, Será que algume me ajuda a repintar o mundo?? Enfim mais uma das minhas loucuras, sem sentido, e sem um minimo de importancia!
Sonhar acordado!
Can we achieve our dreams? That is the question with the most wanted answer. The thing is, Is it worth dreaming? If somehow our dreams just seems that are running away and hidding from us.
I know, that this is one of those answers that doesn't have a correct answer, somehow our dreams are only achieved if we just try enough to conquer them. But for howlong wehave to fight, to try, to run after our wishes....
I don't like to be given things without deserving them, i just love a chalange and conquering whatever i want, but sometimes, there isn't any optimism that can survive to some obstacles...
Today I'll keep this text a bit short, mainly because I'm quite sleepy indeed and somehow the words won't come out as fluently as other days, actually I don't know why, maybe I just have too much stuff in my head, Well whatever Let us just hope that everything goes like i want them to go.
I know, that this is one of those answers that doesn't have a correct answer, somehow our dreams are only achieved if we just try enough to conquer them. But for howlong wehave to fight, to try, to run after our wishes....
I don't like to be given things without deserving them, i just love a chalange and conquering whatever i want, but sometimes, there isn't any optimism that can survive to some obstacles...
Today I'll keep this text a bit short, mainly because I'm quite sleepy indeed and somehow the words won't come out as fluently as other days, actually I don't know why, maybe I just have too much stuff in my head, Well whatever Let us just hope that everything goes like i want them to go.
domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007
Why bother??
Sometimes I am emotionless, well in theese days I'm just like a veg, I just want to get through my day, without feelings, without sensations, actually I just want to get myday finished.
In theese days, we live in a world ruled by rationality, and although I think rationality is a good thing such a good thing thaty I rule my life with it, I would like someday just to do something completily crazy, just act with my heart rather than with my head.
I´m an Happy boy indeed, but I just need some chilli around my life.. just to spice up a bit my life, just act.. without thinking in consequences.
Consequences, heim? Here it is a word that is very used nowadays, we have to live our life, as a chess game, plan the next four or five plays, and I'm just tired of planning my life, I'm tired of anticipating the future, and forgeting of living my life...
The thing is...I just don't have the bravery to just unleash the break of my life... But the truth is that I'm starting to think:"Why Bother?"
In theese days, we live in a world ruled by rationality, and although I think rationality is a good thing such a good thing thaty I rule my life with it, I would like someday just to do something completily crazy, just act with my heart rather than with my head.
I´m an Happy boy indeed, but I just need some chilli around my life.. just to spice up a bit my life, just act.. without thinking in consequences.
Consequences, heim? Here it is a word that is very used nowadays, we have to live our life, as a chess game, plan the next four or five plays, and I'm just tired of planning my life, I'm tired of anticipating the future, and forgeting of living my life...
The thing is...I just don't have the bravery to just unleash the break of my life... But the truth is that I'm starting to think:"Why Bother?"
quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007
Nada de novo!
Well, for the first time I won't write in portuguese, let's consider this post a tryout.
You know, I have a very good friend, such a a good friend, that Ijust call her sister, because for me she will be my oldest sister and i'll love her like i love my blood related sister for the rest of my life, but my feelings for her at this point aren't important.
My intention with this post is that it can be used as an example, so that you, my sister, can learn with it and build a little bit of self-estime...
I could actually say that you are an angel from above, but it is quite a lame expression so I'll try something different and descrive some moments that i will never forget...
I remember once, maybe the first time Ihad a real conversation with you, we were both children, i and I walked you home after our english class. and we sat in the sidewalk for about 15 minutes in front of your college at the time, I'm not sure, but I think that we were both 13 or 14, and at that time I knew that you're special, destined for great things and I sthil have the same opinion.
I also remeber, that after that day we start to exchange text messages, and i remenber one, it was in july, I already knew that we're both attending that same school, but i didn't predict the new that you're going to give me, i was laying in my bed, and my phone rang, it was a message from you, saying that we're attending that same class, I'm not quite sure and if i'm wrong please correct me, but i think, i actually trhilled with excitement i did make you call so that i could ear the thruth.
Actually, although i was attending that school for 2 years, it was a new class, I knew very few people, and the few i knew, at that time weren't actually the best of friends, so i started to be with you, and our friendship was groing to the friendship we know.
For those 2 or 3 years, we share everything, we knew everything of both of our lifes, love stories, problems at home , at school, you're always there for me no matter how little was my problem you knew that you could cont on me, and I knew that I could count on you.
As you know, I like to have photographs of all my friends in my desk, but the amazing is that yours was the only picture that has never left my desk.
I spend the best moments of my life with you, and I'm sure that I'm not the only one that thinks in this way, so just do me a favor, and just think about those who wants the best for you, and just assemble, that God is fair and if you have such good friends is because you simply deserve this gifts, Luv u Sister
P.S Espero que me tenha saido melhor em ingles que em portugues, ao menos nao me esqueço dos acentos :p lol, e ah desejo te a ti e a miguel as melhores felicidades lol ;) obvio :p
You know, I have a very good friend, such a a good friend, that Ijust call her sister, because for me she will be my oldest sister and i'll love her like i love my blood related sister for the rest of my life, but my feelings for her at this point aren't important.
My intention with this post is that it can be used as an example, so that you, my sister, can learn with it and build a little bit of self-estime...
I could actually say that you are an angel from above, but it is quite a lame expression so I'll try something different and descrive some moments that i will never forget...
I remember once, maybe the first time Ihad a real conversation with you, we were both children, i and I walked you home after our english class. and we sat in the sidewalk for about 15 minutes in front of your college at the time, I'm not sure, but I think that we were both 13 or 14, and at that time I knew that you're special, destined for great things and I sthil have the same opinion.
I also remeber, that after that day we start to exchange text messages, and i remenber one, it was in july, I already knew that we're both attending that same school, but i didn't predict the new that you're going to give me, i was laying in my bed, and my phone rang, it was a message from you, saying that we're attending that same class, I'm not quite sure and if i'm wrong please correct me, but i think, i actually trhilled with excitement i did make you call so that i could ear the thruth.
Actually, although i was attending that school for 2 years, it was a new class, I knew very few people, and the few i knew, at that time weren't actually the best of friends, so i started to be with you, and our friendship was groing to the friendship we know.
For those 2 or 3 years, we share everything, we knew everything of both of our lifes, love stories, problems at home , at school, you're always there for me no matter how little was my problem you knew that you could cont on me, and I knew that I could count on you.
As you know, I like to have photographs of all my friends in my desk, but the amazing is that yours was the only picture that has never left my desk.
I spend the best moments of my life with you, and I'm sure that I'm not the only one that thinks in this way, so just do me a favor, and just think about those who wants the best for you, and just assemble, that God is fair and if you have such good friends is because you simply deserve this gifts, Luv u Sister
P.S Espero que me tenha saido melhor em ingles que em portugues, ao menos nao me esqueço dos acentos :p lol, e ah desejo te a ti e a miguel as melhores felicidades lol ;) obvio :p
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